Report Card Information K-8
Kindergarten to Grade 8 students, bring home report cards in November, April and June.
As a parent/guardian, you are an important partner in your child’s education and through your involvement; you positively affect your child’s success in school.
The purpose of report cards is to:
- Reflect and support the changes in classroom assessment practices.
- Provide information that details how your child is performing and progressing.
- Offer a communication tool that provides much more information than just a traditional letter grade or mark.
All schools in New Brunswick, including ASD-E schools, are using the same report card format developed by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Parents/guardians will be able to follow their child’s progress regardless of which school they attend.
The resources found on this page will help you better understand the reporting process and information on your child’s report card.
Parent Guide
Teachers provide formal feedback about student learning three times per year (November, April, and June). Parent Teacher Conferences will occur on two times per year. Additional methods of communication such as meet the teacher, curriculum letters, and student folders are provided throughout the year. For the report cards, teachers will identify the level of achievement on a 4- point scale that best describes your child’s current progress.
Student learning and work show:
Strong and/or Excellent Achievement
4+ Indicates, in addition to excelling, the student demonstrates learning that surpasses grade-level expectations.
The student has a thorough understanding of outcomes addressed to date and consistently applies learning to new situations. Work surpasses the descriptors in the “Meeting” category but is within the expectations specified for the grade/course.
Student learning and work show:
Appropriate and/or Proficient Achievement
3+ Indicates the student demonstrates consistent proficiency with meeting learning expectations. The student independently applies learning to familiar situations and demonstrates aspects of excelling in 3 some learning expectations.
The student has a solid understanding of the outcomes addressed to date and often applies learning to familiar situations. Students maintaining this level will be prepared for work in the next grade/course.
Student learning and work show:
A Combination of Appropriate and Below Appropriate Achievement
The student has some understanding of the outcomes addressed to date and with support, applies learning to familiar situations. Work on identified learning gaps is needed to ensure future success of the student.
Student learning and work show:
Below Appropriate Achievement
The student has a limited understanding of the outcomes addressed to date and rarely applies learning. Significant improvement in specific areas is needed for the student to be successful in the next grade/course
- N/A (Not Applicable) indicates there is insufficient evidence to comment at this time.
- A blank box indicates the strand has not been assessed in this reporting period.
- PLP-M (Personalized Learning Plan – Modified) indicates modification to learning goals.
- PLP-I (Personalized Learning Plan – Individualized) indicates individualization of learning goals.
- EAL (English as an Additional Language) indicates the English language is the primary learning goal.
High School Report Card Information