What is a District Education Council (DEC)?

Established under the Education Act, a DEC consists of 11-13 education councilors elected for four-year terms.

Using the policies and standards of the Department of Education as a framework, each DEC establishes objectives and policies aimed at addressing the particular priorities and needs of the district. The education councilors take part in the decision- making process concerning local goals and directions in education.

The DEC is responsible for the operation of the schools in its district in the areas of education, school performance, and infrastructure. The DEC’s and the Department of Education have a common objective: providing the best public education system.

What are the main responsibilities DEC’s have for their districts?
  • Hiring and evaluating the district superintendent;
  • Establishing and monitoring the annual district plan and public district performance report;
  • Establishing and monitoring the district expenditure plan;
  • Monitoring student achievement;
  • Building community partnerships;
  • Setting priorities for infrastructure planning projects including capital construction, school establishment and closures;
  • Reviewing the school improvement plan and the school performance report for each school in the district to ensure they are consistent with the district education plan.
If you have questions about your child’s school, please use the following communication steps:

Step #1 – Contact the person or school where there is a question i.e. Classroom Teacher

Step #2 – Contact the person’s immediate supervisor i.e. School Principal

Step #3 – Contact the District Office i.e. Director of Schools

Step #4 – Contact the Superintendent

Step #5 – Contact the Sub-district District Education Council Member

Step #6 – Contact the District Education Council as a whole

DEC Members


A Better Future… Through Quality Education

Harry Doyle


Caledonia Regional High School, Hillsborough Elementary School, Riverside Consolidated School, Riverview East School

Dominic Vautour


Arnold H. McLeod, Birchmount School, Harrison Trimble High School, Mountain View School, Moncton High School, Shediac Cape School

Randolph MacLEAN



Janique Chiasson

DEC Secretary

Executive Assistant to the Superintendent/CEO  

Gavin Chiasson-Butland

Student Representative


Kristin Cavoukian

DEC member 

 Bernice McNaughton High School, Bessborough School, Edith Cavell School, Hillcrest School

Michelle Folkins

DEC member 

Tantramar Regional High School, Marshview Middle School, Salem Elementary School, Dorchester Consolidated School, Port Elgin Regional School

Ian Hebblethwaite

DEC member 

Lou MacNarin School, Queen Elizabeth School, Sunny Brae Middle School, Forest Glen School

Jolyne Knockwood

DEC member 

First Nations 

 Duane MacDonald

DEC member 

Riverview High School, West Riverview School, Claude D. Taylor School, Riverview Middle School, Frank L. Bowser School

Alex Morton

DEC member 

Salisbury Elementary School, Salisbury Regional School, Petitcodiac Regional School

 Mark Owen

DEC member 

Evergreen Park School, Magnetic Hill School, Maplehurst Middle School, Northrop Frye School

Strategic Objectives

1. The District Education Council will meet once a month based on a predetermined date. The Meeting Agenda will be posted on the ASD-E Website and the ASDE DEC Facebook page

2. The District Education Council meeting will commence at 6:00 pm. Meetings will end by 9:00 unless extended by Council Motion.

3. An in camera meeting will be held, if deemed necessary, at 5:30 pm previous to scheduled District Education Council meeting.

4. Quorum for the District Education Council is 50% of members plus one.

5. Members unable to attend a meeting may do so by conference telephone or video conference if that is a viable option.

6. The District Education Council will follow Robert’s Rules of Order as a guide for meeting procedures.

7. The minutes of the District Education Council will reflect, at a minimum, the order of business including a record of presentations and motions. The Council Secretary will hold all circulated material with the official minutes.

Amended May 26, 2021

District Education Council Meetings

Meetings occur on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. and are public.

Meetings are live streamed on the Anglophone East District Education Council Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/asdedec/​

If you are interested in making a presentation to the DEC during a meeting, please refer to the DEC presentation rules.

The District Education Council and the Superintendent shall jointly review all applications to present to the DEC. The Chair shall inform the presenters of their decision, and if there is to be a presentation, of the time and place. The following recommendations are suggested:

  1. A timely notice shall be given to the DEC when a request to present is made.
  2. A legible copy of the presentation should be provided to the DEC’s Administrative Assistant at least ten (10) days prior to the presentation.
  3. Please use the form for Presentations to the District Education Council ( see attached).
  4. You should assume all DEC members have read your presentation prior to the meeting.
  5. Unless varied by the DEC, time allotted for a presentation and questioning will be 15 minutes. Presenters are to have no more than two spokespersons.
  6. No decision or recommendation of the DEC should be expected the day of the presentation. The DEC shall release its decision in a subsequent public meeting or by letter to the presenters.

Thank you for your assistance in helping us with our mandate.


ASDE Report Card (Supporting 1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.7 )
1.5 – Facilities
1.6 – Sexual Orientation and Gender Identities
4.1 – Staff Treatment
4.2 – Budgeting/Forecasting