Due to some schools operating above functional capacity, new student registrations may be transported by school bus to a nearby school with available space outside their designated catchment area.

Book an appointment at the Student Welcome Centre to finalize the registration.

► Pre-registration for your child in a New Brunswick public school.

► Transfer from another Anglophone School District. (ASD-S, ASD-N, ASD-W)

► Registration from a New Brunswick private school.

​Registration information for children who turn five before the end of December.

Registration information for Newcomer and International Students.

Registration information for Canadian citizens from outside of New Brunswick.

Out of geographic boundary placement is contingent on contractual class size limits, functional capacity of the school, and/or other educational reasons.

Registration information for students transferring from Francophone School Districts in New Brunswick.

Once the online pre-registration is complete, book an appointment at the Student Welcome Centre to finalize the registration.

The following physical documentation is required for registration to school:

► Birth Certificate

►  Medicare Card

►  Immunization Records

►  Proof of Residence (copy of phone/electric bill, etc.)

Out of Bounds Enrolment at a School:

      ►  Policy 346

Application for Enrolment at a School out of the Geographic Boundary: 

     ► Grades K-8:    Currently not available

     ► Grades 9-12:  Currently not available

►  Request to Release to Another School District