Welcome to New Brunswick Public School in the Anglophone East School District (ASD-E). We look forward to meeting you and your child / children.

Randy MacLEAN – ASD-E Superintendent/CEO

—   Welcome Message  —

All students must be registered before booking an appointment to visit the Student Welcome Centre

Follow the steps below.

At this time we are Not accepting drop-in appointments

Registration Process

Step 1: Online Registration Form

All new students to New Brunswick must fill out the online registration form.

Complete the online pre-registration for all students in your household BEFORE making an appointment. 

Step 2: In-Person Registration Appointment
One appointment per family 
Complete the online pre-registration before booking an appointment.

*Students transferring from DSF do not need to complete the registration.

Student(s) must be physically in the province to register.

We will verify your original required registration documents at this appointment. An English language assessment may be scheduled for children whose first language is not English.

*Note for families registering students for the 2024-2025 academic year who have a younger sibling born in 2020. They may also be registered for school entry into kindergarten 2025-2026.

Step 3: Checklist of Required Documents

Checklist of  original documents required for registration  (click here for PDF)

Bring to your family’s registration appointment the following as well as Parent(s) / Guardian(s) and student(s) must attend this appointment. 

* Any missing documents may delay the registration process

1. Student’s Original Birth Certificate (Shows parent names with certified translation to English if needed)

2. Proof of legal status in Canada (student and parent/legal guardian) (Please bring the original)

    For new immigrant /worker / student / refugee / diplomat, provide:

        o Permanent Residence Card(s) and passport(s) or

        o Landing Paper and passport(s) or

        o Work Permit and passport(s)–with parent(s)’ employment letter or

        o Study Permit and passport(s)–with parent(s)’ program admission letter or

        o Refugee Claimant Paper or

        o Diplomatic Card and passport(s)

    For Canadian(s), please bring: passport / citizenship card / birth certificate.

3. Proof of address and local phone number

    • Purchase agreement if you have just bought a new home  OR

    • Formal rental or lease agreement / recent power, cable or telephone bill

4. Proof of immunization (records since birth with certified translation to English if needed)

5. Proof of Medicare or medical insurance (for the duration of studies)

6. Previous School Record (with certified translation in English if needed)

    • K to 8 – Report cards for the most recent academic year

    • High School – All report cards/transcripts from grade 9

7. Any other relevant documentation like a court order involving guardianship, divorce, separation,  Parental Consent to Travel or a custodial agreement, etc.

*PLEASE NOTE: Once you have completed the student registration, SWC staff will process the file for your catchment school. Please be advised that for a student with Special Needs, the registration may take longer to process with pertinent documentation to implement appropriate supports.

Student Welcome Centre

Scented products can cause allergic reactions and respiratory distress.Staff and visitors should refrain from wearing or using any scented products while visiting the Student Welcome Centre.

​Contact and Location:

Hillcrest School
60 Parlee Drive
Entry A (Off of St. George Blvd.)
Moncton, NB, E1E 3B3

Telephone: (506) 856-2216
Email:  swcmoncton@nbed.nb.ca

​Registration Hours:

Registration hours are from 9:00am until noon – Monday through Friday  *by appointment only.

Note: a parent or legal guardian must accompany the student when registering.

If you have additional questions, please email us at swc@nbed.nb.ca

In order to receive all correspondence from us:
► Ensure your email address is correct on your application.
► Check your SPAM/JUNK mail.
► Add swc@nbed.nb.ca to your contact address book.
► Update the location of your email settings to either Canada or North America.

The Student Welcome Center is located in Hillcrest School. The entrance for the Student Welcome Centre is accessible off the parking lot beside Hillcrest School. The entry for the parking lot is off  St. George Blvd. (between the school and the gas station, directly across from Sky Zone Trampoline Park).  The doors, located on the parking lot side of the school, will be locked.  Please press the buzzer to be let in for your scheduled appointment.


If your primary language is not English and you speak another language than English at home, assessors at the Student Welcome Centre will assess your child’s level of English. This information will be sent to the new school. The results will not be used to place your child in a grade level. The results will be used to decide whether additional support will be given to your child if needed. EAL support is provided at elementary, middle and high school.

​English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Students in elementary and middle school who are learning English as an Additional Language will receive support through EAL programming as needed. Literacy support is established following intake assessments.

High school students requiring English language support are placed in an EAL class. Newcomer Canadian students, Visiting International Students and Rotary International Students are able to receive this support as dictated by the results of their intake language assessments.

When determining programming for students; language ability, placement at grade level age appropriately and prior schooling are all considered. Students of all cultures, languages, abilities and religions are welcome and respected in all Anglophone East District Schools.

Home Schooling

Registration process for home-schooled students:

1 . Please send application forms to  swcmoncton@nbed.nb.ca.

2 . District staff will process the application and send to the Department of Education, Early Childhood Development.

3 . A letter from the Minister of Education will be mailed to the parent/guardian.

Home Schooling in New Brunswick (brochure)

Application form for the 2024/2025 school year

Home Schooled students wishing to register for Provincial Assessments:

1 . Home school students must register through the Office of the Superintendent for Anglophone School District East.

2 . District staff will send the registration in to the Assessment Branch.

3 . District staff will inform the parents of the writing location (their zoned school) and inform the school.

4 . The Assessment Branch registers the student as a home-schooled student and sends the result to the Anglophone School District East as the student is considered a 99 (a 99 is someone outside the provincial system).

Out of Bounds Application

1. Application Process:

o Digital Application: Parents or guardians requesting an alternate school placement must complete a digital request form available on the Anglophone East website.

o Submission: The completed digital application will be automatically sent to both the inbound and outbound request schools, directed to the respective principals.

2. High School (Grades 9-12):

o Deadlines: Semester requests must be submitted by the end of April for Semester 1 and by the end of November for Semester 2.

o Notification: Decisions will be communicated to families by June 1 for Semester 1 and by December for Semester 2.

3. Kindergarten – Grade 8:

o Deadlines: Term requests must be submitted one week prior to the end of each reporting period:

 Term 1: September – November

 Term 2: December – April

 Term 3: April – June

4. Conditions for Approval:

o Transportation: Parents/guardians are responsible for their child’s transportation.

o Capacity: Schools at maximum capacity will not accept out-of-boundary students.

o Class Size: No class will exceed its maximum capacity due to out-of-boundary students.

o Reapplication: Students must reapply each school year. Approval is for one school year only.

o Sibling Applications: Siblings must apply through the same process.

o Term Stability: Students should remain in their current school until the end of the term or semester to avoid interruptions.

5. Decision Process:

o Consultation: Requests involve consultations with district and school administrative staff.

6. Superintendent’s Discretion:

o The Superintendent may place students in specific schools for educational reasons.